To make the translation a bit easier, you go to your account and select on the Settings tab any number of Alternative Source Languages.
This is especially helpful if the original string is based on - sometimes a bit cryptic - file names.
Then you can see, e.g. from the English translation, what is actually meant.
In the upper third of the translation page you will find various navigation controls that allow to e.g. only display untranslated string or those that are still just suggestions.
- Select a PO file on the left, click «Continue translation» and start with the translation.
- On the translation page select a row that hasn't been translated yet and enter your translation string.
Please take the following into consideration:
- Please do not upload any files, translate directly here on the platform!
- Retain spaces at the beginning and end of the line.
- Don't add spaces where there are none in the original (unless they are language specific).
- Do not translate brown represented parts of the text, such as numbers and HTML code!
- Do not re-translate strings with file extensions.
- Do not omit or modify placeholders like %s, %d, %.2f. You can change their position in the string. If there are multiple placeholders their order must stay as it is.
- An & and an attached string (e.g. &File or E&xit) must not be separated. The & is not an and but will cause the following letter to be underscored in menu items or labels.
- When you translate software typical phrases, please get orientation from their occurrence in programs of commercial software producers.
- Translated strings shouldn't be considerably longer than the original strings.
- Note the comments attached to some strings , either at the left side or right above the input field.
Click Suggest